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At Masa, we think only concrete

... and how to shape it for the building materials industry. The machines we develop and manufacture are used for the production of aerated concrete blocks and (reinforced) panels, sand-lime bricks or concrete blocks, pavers and landscaping products for the building materials industry. In other words, we are real concrete heads with a passion for reliable machines and plants.


Growing requirements on AAC plants call for integrated, digital solutions that assist with resource planning, product tracing and documentation.

"My milestone connects the information worlds of operational and executive levels and makes your products traceable!"

One of our smart concrete heads, Sven Hellmann, has developed a dynamic system that monitors, documents and controls the entire manufacturing process based on information, from the raw material to the finished AAC product.

You want to know more about our solutions for your journey to digital transformation? Sign up for our bluepaper “Masa Production Reporting System” or a personal appointment with one of our salesmen.

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One of the topical issues of our time is the resource-saving production of aerated concrete.

"My milestone saves up to 40% of energy costs in each mixing cycle."

One of our smart concrete heads, Jana Albersmeier, is working on improving plant components to optimize the operation costs
of our mixers.

Don't miss any info on this topic: sign up for our milestone
newsletter here.

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The quality of available raw materials is a decisive factor for the economic production of aerated concrete products and sand-lime bricks.

"My work shows you the achievable product quality even before the production facility is planned."

One of our experienced concrete heads, Björn Gorka, will test your raw materials in our in-house laboratory to evaluate the achievable product quality and thus secure your plant investment or to advise you on process improvements.

Don't miss any info on this topic: sign up for our milestone
newsletter here.

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Advantages of a Masa AAC production plant:
Individual, sustainable investment solutions.

Since the day we were founded, we have made our influence in significant developments for the building materials industry.
Our concepts, machines and plants, which have demonstrated their worth for many years, can quickly be updated or expanded.

Our basic philosophy is: to provide flexible and intelligent solutions by which we, as partners, are dedicated to making our customers successful.

Download our bluepaper now!

You can find our solutions for your journey to digital transformation in our bluepaper “Masa Production Reporting System”

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